Friday 29 April 2016

Sindh Police chief orders step up security in province

KARACHI: Inspector General Police Sindh A.D. Khawaja has directed the police to step up security in the province, ARY News reported on Friday.
According to a statement issued by Sindh Police, IG Sindh Khawaja has ordered stepped up security across the province. He added that police patrolling and snap-checking to be carried out in all police zones and districts.
Khawaja highlighted the need of integrated and effective intelligence collecting and sharing. He urged that the entry and exit points of the province should be blocked whereas the suspected persons and vehicles should be monitored closely.
IG Sindh has also instructed the concerned officials to deploy personnel at mosques and Imambargahs while fool-proof security arrangements should be made for Friday prayers.
He also ordered stepped up patrolling by the police on mobile vans and motorcycles.

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